Team Challenge

Ridefit 90-Day Rider Team Challenge


Get fit, ride better, and win great prizes all at the same time!


How it works:

You and at least two of your fellow students (with the same riding instructor/trainer) can challenge each other to see who can earn the title “Most Improved Rider” by signing up for the 90-Day Ridefit Challenge. Here’s how it works:

  • Sign up for Ridefit’s 90-day Unlimited online group classes program ($199/mo. and for a limited time and get your first month FREE).
  • Work out at least 3 days per week utilizing Ridefit’s 30-minute online fitness classes – LIVE training with a Ridefit Instructor, from the comfort of your own home! All you need is a stability ball and a mat.
  • Ride and take at least one lesson per week with your normal instructor.
  • At the end of 90 days, your instructor will judge between you and your teammates, the “Most Improved Rider”
  • Win one of three great prizes from Ridefit if you are the “Most Improved Rider” – a customized saddle pad, quarter sheet, or Ridefit t-shirt

Get ready for the 2016 show season, and get into the best riding shape of your life, with Ridefit!


Sign Me Up!

Download a Team Challenge flyer to post at your barn: Ridefit 90-Day Team Challenge Flyer