New Years Resolutions

Welcome to 2016! Horse statue fireworks

Are you excited about a new year with new possibilities? Have you made your resolutions? If you’re like most people, you have resolutions to lose weight, get more fit, have more energy, and/or be healthier. But, what about becoming a better rider, having less chronic pain, feeling more confident and coordinated in the saddle? Did you know you can do both – get fit and healthy AND get all the improvements in your riding, with the Ridefit program?

It’s true. Ridefit is a whole rider fitness program that not only helps develop strength and cardiovascular fitness, but also balance, coordination, mobility and core stability. In addition, it is an incredibly back healthy program that can drastically reduce or eliminate back pain for most riders! This is the same type of physical training program the elite riders of other countries have started doing to stay at the top of their chosen equestrian sport, that you can do from the comfort of your very own home. Click the link below if you’d like to learn more.

That sounds great. Tell me more!

Let me ask you a question. Would you like to:

  • Sit your horse’s trot more comfortably?Today is the Day
  • Canter with confidence?
  • Feel more “at ease” in the saddle?
  • Be able to apply lighter, more precise aids?
  • Inspire your slightly “lazy” horse to be more active and forward?
  • Relax your hot/tense horse more easily?
  • Become more “even” and symmetrical in your own body?
  • Develop a more effective half-halt?
  • Have better body control and balance on the horse?
  • Ride without pain?
  • Be able to get the most out of your riding lessons because your body is actually ABLE to do what your riding instructor is telling you to?

If you said Yes to any of these, then you NEED Ridefit, because it not only increases strength and cardiovascular fitness, but also balance, coordination, mobility and core stability IN THE SADDLE. It works the exact same muscles you use while riding, and releases restrictions and tension, develops relaxed stability, and straightens out crookedness in your body that you may not even be aware of.

Because I really want this to be the best riding year you’ve ever had, I am offering a very special New Year’s Resolution discount on Ridefit workouts between now and the end of January.

For a limited time, when you purchase 3 months of Unlimited Ridefit group workout sessions by Skype, I will give you the first month’s workouts absolutely FREE.


The unlimited group session monthly cost is $199, so that is a huge savings for a 3 month commitment.

And, when you sign up right now, I’m also going to include a free 60-minute Strategy Session for you – something that isn’t normally included in this package. You can use this strategy session as a powerful tool to get really clear on where you are right now, where you’d like to be in 90 days, and the exact steps you’ll be able to take to get there, with Ridefit as a cornerstone support. Click the link below to take advantage of this great offer!

I’m In! Sign Me Up!

Now you and I both know that fitness programs rarely come with a guarantee, because it’s impossible to guarantee someone’s commitment to themselves, right? But, because I am absolutely confident that you will experience amazing changes to your body and your riding, I am willing to offer this 100% money-back guarantee:

If you complete 3 months of at least 3 Ridefit sessions per week and feel like you have made absolutely no improvements in your riding, then I will refund your total package cost with no questions asked.

You see, I don’t just want you to stick to your New Years resolutions, I want you to blow them out of the water! So, I’m taking all the guesswork, the inconvenience, and the time constraints that may have stopped you from reaching your fitness and riExercise In Front of Computerding goals in the past OUT of the equation, by offering the Skype classes.

You don’t have to drive to and from the gym, you don’t have to worry about showering or changing at the gym, you don’t have to “teach” your fitness instructor how riding is different from other sports, you don’t have to wonder if you’re doing the exercises right, or if that pain you’re feeling is “good” or “bad”! Even better, the sessions are 30 minutes, so you can fit them in almost anywhere. And, I have set up sessions at different times of day to fit into just about anyone’s schedule. All you need is a yoga mat and a stability ball to get started.

There really is no reason why YOU can’t have the best riding year of your life, right now, this year. Make 2016 the year you really start to move towards those crazy dreams you’ve been holding onto, but didn’t think you’d ever really be able to realize. Let Ridefit help you make those dreams a reality! Just click the button below to get started right away!

Yes! I’m Ready to Get Started!

Here is to the best year ever, 2016! I look forward to getting to know you and your goals, and helping you reach those goals.

Ride fit!
